Adobe Presenter

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Revision as of 22:09, 27 August 2015 by Mdawson (Talk | contribs)

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Directions for viewing Adobe Presenter files

In order to view Adobe Presenter files you must have Adobe Flash installed. You can get it here: Flash.

Browser Requirements

  • Internet Explorer 9 or later
  • Firefox 4.x
  • Safari 6.0 or later
  • Latest version of Chrome

If you would like to test your configuration to ensure proper playback please go to this link

Directions for Use

Controls and Playbar

The module will load and begin playing automatically. After the slide is finished play will stop and you must click on the 'play' button to advance to the next slide. In addition to pausing automatically between slides you can click the 'play' button again to pause the presentation.

Adjacent to the 'play' button are the 'previous slide', and 'next slide' buttons. Clicking on them will cause the previous slide to play or skip on to the next respectively.

Volume controls appear after the playbar with a speaker icon.

The controls on the right side of the bar are 'Closed Captioning', 'Attachments', and 'Full Screen'

  • Closed Captioning is a shortcut to display the slide notes, it is not true closed captioning.
  • Attachments are for attaching additional materials. No modules at this time make use of this feature.
  • Full Screen mode makes the presentation full screen and the side bar will disappear. Once in full screen mode clicking the button again will return the view to normal.
The Adobe Presenter Playbar and controls


The Sidebar has 4 tabs: 'Outline', 'Thumb', 'Notes', and 'Search'.

Outline: (shown below) contains a list of all slides. Clicking on a slide title will cause the player to jump to that slide and resume playing from there.

Thumb: Same as the 'Outline' tab except that thumbnail images are displayed along with the slide title.

Notes: Contains a text version of the narration.

Search: Enables the user to perform a text search to find a term mentioned in the presentation.

The Adobe Presenter Sidebar
Personal tools
