Instructional Families: Reading Informational Text K-12

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Reading Informational Text: Distribution of Learning Targets, CCSS Anchor Standards, and Instructional Families

(K‐4) Elementary School Learning Targets (5‐8) Middle School Learning Targets (9‐12) High School Learning Targets
E.RWL Read and comprehend words with accuracy and

fluency: Read high frequency and grade-level words; Apply knowledge of phonics, word structure, word relationships, and context to read and understand unfamiliar words in connected text; Distinguish between literal and interpretive meanings.

M.RI Use content knowledge, knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, proposition/support), and genre features, to read and comprehend a range of informational texts, including textbooks and on-line texts: Explain, compare, and analyze concepts, events, central ideas, relevant details. H.RI Integrate content and background knowledge to evaluate and extend understanding of central ideas, concepts, and diverse perspectives presented in multiple sources, including textbooks, on-line texts, and technical and primary source documents.
Instructional Families
(CCSS Anchors & Anchor Standards (AS))
Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9/10 Grade 11/12
Key Ideas and Details

CCSS AS include:

  1. Using Details to Describe Text
  2. Describing the Central Message / Theme
  3. Analyzing Relationships
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Craft and Structure

CCSS AS include:

  1. Recognizing Features of Text
  2. Identifying Text Structure
  3. Distinguishing a Point of View
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Integration of Knowledge and Skills

CCSS AS include:

  1. Connecting Diverse Media and Formats
  2. Gather Information
  3. Analyzing across Texts

R10. Range of Reading and Text Complexity

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Key Ideas and Details Grades K-2

Learning Target: E.RI Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI1: Using Details to Describe Text
K.RI.a1 Demonstrate a response (e.g., nod, smile, clap, vocalization, and sustained look) to informational text read, read aloud, or viewed. No CCSS link
K.RI.b5 During shared reading activities, indicate need to turn the page for continued reading. K RF.1
K.RI.b6 During shared reading activities, point to text: from top to bottom of page, left to right, or to match a spoken "orally read" word to written word in an informational text. K.RF.1
K.RI.b7 Identify familiar written words when spoken. K.RF.2
K.RI.b8 Distinguish individual letters from words; distinguish letters from punctuation marks; and distinguish words from sentences. K.RF.1
K.RI.b9 Recognize that words are separated by spaces in print. K.RF.1
K.RI.d1 With prompting and support, answer questions about key details in a text. K.RI.1
K.RI.e1 During shared literacy activities suggest things you might learn about for a given print or non print text (e.g., What do you think we might learn about in this book?). No CCSS linked
1.RI.b2 During shared reading activities, indicate need to turn the page for continued reading. K RF.1
1.RI.b3 During shared reading activities, point to text: from top to bottom of page, left to right, or to match a spoken "orally read" word to written word in an informational text. K RF.1
1.RI.b4 Recognize that words are separated by spaces in print. K RF.1
1.RI.b5 Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending punctuation) in informational texts. 1.RF.1
1.RI.d1 Answer questions about key details in a text read, read aloud, or viewed. K.RI.1
2.RI.d1 Answer who, what, where, when, why, and how, questions from informational text. 2.RI.1

RI2: Describing the Main Idea
K.RI.d2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic. K.RI.2
K.RI.d3 With prompting and support, retell/identify key details in a text. K.RI.2
K.HD.d3 Discuss key details and main topic of a preferred text. K.RI.2
1.RI.d2 Identify the main topic of an informational text. 1.RI.2
1.RI.d3 Retell/identify key details in an informational text. 1.RI.2
1.HD.d5 Discuss key details and main topic of a preferred text. 1.RI.2
2.RI.d2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph informational text. 2.RI.2
2.RI.d3 Identify the focus of a paragraph and the details that support the focus in an informational text. 2.RI.2
2.HD.d4 Discuss key details and main topic of a preferred text. 2.RI.2

RI3: Analyzing Relationships
K.RI.f1 With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information. K.RI.3
1.RI.f1 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, or pieces of information in a text.1.RI.3
2.RI.f2 Identify the sequence of events in an informational text. 2.RI.3
2.RI.f3 Identify the steps in a process in an informational text. 2.RI.3
2.RI.f4 Identify the cause and effect relationships in an informational text. 2.RI.3

Craft and Structure Grades K-2

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI4: Recognizing Features of Text
2.RWL.e6 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area 2.RI.4

RI5: Identifying Text Structure
K.RI.b1 Locate words and illustrations in informational texts. K.RI.5
K.RI.b3 Identify the title of an informational text or the title page. K.RI.5
K.RI.b4 Place book in an upright position to read. K.RI.5
1.RI.b1 Locate words and illustrations in informational texts 1.RI.5
1.RI.e2 Identify and use various text features (e.g., bold text, titles) to locate key facts or information in a text. 1.RI.5
1.HD.e2 Identify text features to aid comprehension. 1.RI.5
1.HD.e3 Use text features to aid comprehension. 1.RI.5; 1RL.7
2.RI.e1 Identify and use various text features (e.g., title, bold print, illustrations, glossaries) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently. 2.RI.5
2.HD.e2 Use text features to aid comprehension. 2.RI.5; 2.RL.7
2.HD.e1 Identify text features to aid comprehension. 2.RI.5

RI6: Distinguishing a Point of View
K.RI.g1 Identify the author's purpose in an informational text. K.RI.6
1.RI.f3 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. 1.RI.6
2.RI.g1 Identify the main purpose of a text, including what question the author is answering, explaining, or describing. 2.RI.6

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades K-2

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI7: Connecting Diverse Media and Formats
K.RI.c1 Identify a labeled photo or diagram or graphic from within an informational text. K.RI.7
K.RI.f2 With prompting and support, interpret the information provided in photos or diagrams or graphics and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts). K.RI.7
1.RI.c1 Use the photos, diagrams, or graphics and details in a text to describe or identify its key ideas. 1.RI.7
1.RI.c2 Identify the organizational features of an informational text (e.g., use of headings bold print). No CCSS link
1.RI.f2 Use a set of graphical instructions/illustrations/steps to complete a task. No CCSS link
2.RI.c1 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe or identify its key ideas. 1.RI.7
2.RI.e2 Explain or identify what specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) teach the reader to do or tell the reader. 2.RI.7

RI8: Gather Information
K.RI.g2 With prompting and support, identify the facts an author gives to support points in a text. K.RI.8
1.RI.g1 Identify the facts and details an author gives to support points in a text. 1.RI.8
2 RI.g2 Identify the facts and details an author gives to support points in a text. 1.RI.8
2.RI.g3 Describe how facts and details support specific points the author makes in a text. 2.RI.8

RI9: Analyzing Across Texts
K.RI.g3 With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., imaginary or real bear; photo versus illustration of something not real). K.RI.9
1.RI.g2 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). 1.RI.9
2.RI.f1 Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. 2.RI.9

RI10: Range of Reading & Text Complexity
K.HD.b1 Choose narrative or informational text to read and reread, listen to, or view for leisure purposes. K.RI.10; K.RL.10
K.HD.b2 Choose text to read and reread, listen to, or view for informational purposes (e.g., to answer questions; understand the world around them). K.RI.10
K.HD.c3 Engage in group reading of informational text by sharing something learned or something enjoyed K.RI.10
1.HD.b2 Choose text or adapted text to read and reread, listen to, or view for informational purposes (e.g., to answer questions; understand the world around them). 1.RI.10
1.HD.c2 Engage in group reading of informational text by sharing something learned or something enjoyed. 1.RI.10
2.HD.b2 Choose text or adapted text to read and reread, listen to, or view for informational purposes (e.g., to answer questions; understand the world around them). 2.RI.10

Key Ideas and Details Grades 3-5

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI1: Using Details to Describe Text
3.RI.i1 Answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. 3.RI.1
3.RI.i3 Identify supporting details of an informational text read, read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 3.RI.1; 3.SL.2
4.RI.i1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly. 4.RI.1
4.RI.i2 Refer to details and examples in a text when drawing basic inferences from an informational text. 4.RI.1
4.RI.i5 Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 4.RI.1; 4.SL.1
5.RI.c2 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly. 5.RI.1
5.RI.c3 Quote accurately from a text to support inferences. 5.RI.1

RI2: Describing the Main Idea
3.RI.i2 Determine the main idea of text read, read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 3.RI.2; 3.SL.2
3.RI.k5 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. 3.RI.2
3.RI.n1 Identify facts that an author uses to support a specific point or opinion. 3.RI.2
4.RI.i3 Determine the main idea of an informational text. 4.RI.2
4.RI.i4 Identify supporting details of an informational text. 4.RI.2
5.RI.c4 Determine the main idea, and identify key details to support the main idea. 5.RI.2
5.RI.c5 Summarize the text or a portion of the text read, read aloud, or presented in diverse media. 5.RI.2; 5.SL.2

RI3: Analyzing Relationships
5.RI.d1 Explain/identify the relationship between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text. 5.RI.3
5.RI.d2 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. 5.RI.3
5.RI.d3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information across texts. 5.RI.3

Craft and Structure Grades 3-5

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI4: Recognizing Features of Text
3.RWL.j4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. 3.RI.4
4.RWL.j2 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area. 4.RI.4

RI5: Identifying Text Structure
3.RI.h1 Identify the purpose of a variety of text features. 3.RI.5
3.RI.h2 Use text features (keywords, glossary) to locate information relevant to a given topic or question. 3.RI.5
3.RI.h3 Use tools (e.g., sidebars, icons, glossary) to locate information relevant to a given topic. 3.RI.5
4.RI.h1 Use text features (keywords, glossary) to locate information relevant to a given topic or question. 3.RI.5
4.RI.h2 Use tools (e.g., sidebars, icons, glossary) to locate information relevant to a given topic 3.RI.5
4.RI.j1 Identify signal words that help determine what the text structure is in an informational text (e.g., description, problem/solution, time/order, compare/contrast, cause/effect, directions. 4.RI.5
4.RI.j2 Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text. 4.RI.5
4.RI.j3 Organize information presented in an informational text to demonstrate the text structure. 4.RI.5
5.RI.b1 Use signal words as a means of locating information (e.g., knowing that "because" or "as a result of" may help link a cause to a result) 5.RI.5
5.RI.b2 Use signal word to identify common types of text structure. 5.RI.5
5.RI.b3 Use search tools or text features as a means of locating relevant information. 3.RI.5
5.RI.d5 Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts. 5.RI.5

RI6: Distinguishing a Point of View
3.RI.k1 Identify the author's purpose in an informational text. 3.RI.6
3.RI.k2 Identify own point of view about a topic. 3.RI.6
3.RI.k3 Compare their own point of view to that of the author. 3.RI.6
4.RI.k1 Determine if information in a text is firsthand or secondhand. 4.RI.6
4.RI.k2 Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic. 4.RI.6
5.RI.e1 Note important similarities and differences in the point of view of multiple accounts of the same event or topic. 5.RI.6

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades 3-5

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI7: Connecting Diverse Media and Formats
3.RI.h4 Use illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) in informational texts to answer questions. 3.RI.7
3.RI.l1 Identify information learned from illustrations and information learned from the words in an informational text. 3.RI.7
3.RI.l2 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). 3.RI.7
3.RI.l3 Within informational texts, locate or identify evidence in the text or graphics to support the central ideas. 3.RI.7
4.RI.h3 Use illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs, diagrams, timelines) in informational texts to answer questions. 3.RI.7
4.RI.h4 Use information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) to answer questions. 4.RI.7
4.RI.h5 Explain how the information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively contributes to the understanding of the text. 4.RI.7
4.RI.l1 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. 4.RI.7
5.RI.b4 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question or to solve a problem. 5.RI.7
5.RI.d4 Refer to multiple print or digital sources as support for inferences (e.g., How did you know?) 5.RI.7

RI8: Gather Information
3.RI.j1 Identify signal words that help determine what the text structure is in an informational text. 3.RI.8
3.RI.j2 Describe the connection between sentences and paragraphs in a text. 3.RI.8
3.RI.k4 Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail. 3.RI.8; 3.SL.3
3.RI.m1 When researching a topic, find the relevant details or information from a text. NO CCSS linked
4.RL.k3 Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points. 4.RI.8; 4.SL.3
4.RI.k4 Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points. 4.RI.8; 4.SL.3
4. RI.k5 Identify reasons that the author uses to support ideas in an informational text. 4.RI.8
4. RI.n1 Identify facts that an author uses to support a specific point or opinion. 4.RI.8
5.RI.c1 Identify prior knowledge of an event or topic. NO CCSS linked
5.RI.c6 Summarize the points a speaker makes. 5.RI.8; 5.SL.3
5.RI.e2 Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text. 5.RI.8
5.RI.e3. Identify reasons and evidence that support an author's point(s) in a text. 5.RI.8
5.RI.e4 Determine if there are any potential biases on the author's part. NO CCSS linked
5.RI.e5 Identify the impact of the author's point of view on the reader. NO CCSS linked
5.RI.g1 Identify the author's stated thesis/claim/opinion. 5.RI.8
5.RI.g2 Identify evidence the author uses to support stated thesis/claim/opinion. 5.RI.8
5.RI.g3 Identify a speaker's points or claims. 5.RI.8; 5.SL.3
5.RI.g4 Identify reasons and evidence that a speaker provides to support points or claims. 5.RI.8; 5.SL.3

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades 3-5

Learning Target: E.RI' Recognize and use knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., sequence, description, definition, compare/contrast) and genre features to read and comprehend informational texts: Identify, compare, and draw inferences about concepts, central ideas, and supporting details'.

RI9: Analyzing Across Texts
3.RI.m2 When researching a topic, compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two informational texts on the same topic. 3.RI.9
3.HD.h2 Compare two or more texts or adapted texts on the same topic or by the same author. 3.RL.9; 3.RI.9
4.RI.m1 Identify the most important information about a topic gathered from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. 4.RI.9
4.HD.h2 Report out about two or more texts or adapted texts on the same self-selected topic. 4.RI.9
5.RI.f1 Identify key details from multiple sources on the same topic (e.g., What are the important things that you learned?). 5.RI.9
5.RI.f2 Integrate information on a topic from multiple sources to answer a question or support a focus or opinion. 5.RI.9

RI10: Range of Reading & Text Complexity
3.HD.h1 Read or be read to and recount self-selected stories, fables, folktales, myths, and other types of texts or adapted text. 3.Rl.2; 3.RL.10; 3.RI.10
4.HD.h1 Read or be read to and recount self-selected stories, dramas, poetry and other types of text and adapted text. 4.RL.10; 4.RI.10
5.RI.a1 Use a variety of strategies (e.g., use context, affixes and roots) to derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts. 5.RI.10
5.HD.a1 Read or be read to a variety of texts or adapted texts including graphic novels, poetry, fiction and nonfiction novels. 5.RL.10; 5.RI.10

Key Ideas and Details Grades 6-8

Learning Target: M.RI' 'Use content knowledge, knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, proposition/support), and genre features, to read and comprehend a range of informational texts, including textbooks and on-line texts: Explain, compare, and analyze concepts, events, central ideas, relevant details.

RI1: Using Details to Describe Text
6.RI.c1 Identify prior knowledge of an event or topic. NO CCSS
6.RI.c5 Summarize the points a speaker makes. 6.RI.1
6.RI.d2 Use textual evidence to support inferences. 6.RI.1
6.RI.e2 Summarize the points an author makes. 6.RI.1
6.RI.g1 Identify key individuals, events, or ideas in a text. 6.RI.1
7.RI.j1 Use two or more pieces of evidence to support inferences, conclusions, or summaries of text. 7.RI.1
8.RI.j1 Use two or more pieces of evidence to support inferences, conclusions, or summaries of text. 8.RI.1

RI2: Describing the Main Idea
6.RI.c2 Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. 6.RI.2
7.RI.j2 Determine the central idea of a text. 7.RI.2
7.RI.j3 Analyze the development of the central idea over the course of the text. 7.RI.2
8.RI.j2 Determine which piece(s) of evidence provide the strongest support for inferences, conclusions, or summaries. 8.RI.2
8.RI.j3 Determine two or more central ideas in a text. 8.RI.2
8.RI.j4 Analyze the development of the central ideas over the course of the text. 8.RI.2
8.RI.j5 Provide/create an objective summary of a text. 8.RI.2

RI3: Analyzing Relationships
6.RI.g2 Determine how key individuals, events, or ideas are introduced in a text. 6.RI.3
6.RI.g3 Determine how key individuals, events, or ideas are illustrated in a text. 6.RI.3
6.RI.g4 Determine how key individuals, events, or ideas are elaborated or expanded on in a text. 6.RI.3
7.RI.j4 Provide/create an objective summary of a text. 7.RI.3
7.RI.j5 Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events). 7.RI.3
8.RI.j6 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). 8.RI.3

Craft and Structure Grades 6-8

Learning Target: M.RI' 'Use content knowledge, knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, proposition/support), and genre features, to read and comprehend a range of informational texts, including textbooks and on-line texts: Explain, compare, and analyze concepts, events, central ideas, relevant details.

RI4: Recognizing Features of Text
6.RI.b2 Use search tools or text features as a means of locating relevant information. NO CCSS
7.RI.i2 Use text features to locate information. NO CCSS
8.RI.i2 Use text features as a means of locating information. NO CCSS

RI5: Identifying Text Structure
6.RI.b1 Use signal words as a means of locating information (e.g., knowing that "because" or "as a result of" may help link a cause to a result) 5.RI.5
6.RI.d1 Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts. 5.RI.5
7.RI.i1 Use signal words as a means of locating information. 7.RI.5
7.RI.i3 Outline a given text to show how ideas build upon one another. 7.RI.5
7.RI.k1 Determine the structure of a text. 7.RI.5
7.RI.k2 Determine how the information in each section contributes to the whole or to the development of ideas. 7.RI.5
8.RI.i1 Use signal words as a means of locating information. 8.RI.5
8.RI.i3 Outline the structure (i.e., sentence that identifies key concept(s), supporting details) within a paragraph. 8.RI.5
8.RI.k1 Determine the structure of a text. 8.RI.5
8.RI.k2 Determine how the information in each section contributes to the whole or to the development of ideas. 8.RI.5

RI6: Distinguishing a Point of View
6.RI.e1 Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed. 6.RI.6
7.RI.k6 Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author distinguishes his or her position from that of others.7.RI.6
8.RI.k3 Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. 8.RI.6

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades 6-8

Learning Target: M.RI' 'Use content knowledge, knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, proposition/support), and genre features, to read and comprehend a range of informational texts, including textbooks and on-line texts: Explain, compare, and analyze concepts, events, central ideas, relevant details.

RI7: Connecting Diverse Media and Formats
6.RI.b3 Identify what is learned from different media or formats compared to what is learned via written words or spoken words. 6.RI.7
6.RI.b4 Summarize information gained from a variety of sources including media or texts 6.RI.7
6.RI.c3 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally). 6.RI.7; 6.SL.2
6.RI.c4 Explain how information gained via media and formats contributes to the understanding of a topic, text, or issue under study. 6.RI.7; 6.SL.2
6.RI.f1 Identify relevant details from several texts on the same topic (e.g., What are the important things that you learned?) 6.RI.7
7.RI.l1 Compare/contrast how two or more authors write or present about the same topic. 7.RI.7; 7.RI.9

RI8: Gather Information
6.RI.g5 Identify an argument or claim that the author makes. 6.RI.8
6.RI.g6 Evaluate the claim or argument; determine if it is supported by evidence. 6.RI.8
6.RI.g7 Distinguish claims or arguments from those that are supported by evidence from those that are not. 6.RI.8; 6.SL.3
7.RI.k3 Identify an argument or claim that the author makes. 7.RI.8
7.RI.k4 Evaluate the claim or argument to determine if they are supported by evidence. 7.RI.8
7.RI.k5 Distinguish claims or arguments from those that are supported by evidence from those that are not. 7.RI.8
8.RI.k4 Identify an argument or claim that the author makes. 8.RI.8
8.RI.k5 Evaluate the claim or argument to determine if it is supported by evidence. 8.RI.8

RI9: Analyzing Across Texts
6.RI.e3 Compare and contrast one author's presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person). 6.RI.9
7.RI.j6 Use supporting evidence to summarize central ideas, draw inferences, or analyze connections within or across texts. 7.RI.9
7.RI.l1 Compare/contrast how two or more authors write about the same topic. 7.RI.9; 7.RI.7
7.RI.l2 Analyze how two or more authors writing about the same topic shape their presentations of key information by emphasizing different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts. 7.RI.9
8.RI.l1 Analyze a case in which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where the texts disagree on matters of fact or interpretation. 8.RI.9

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades 6-8

Learning Target: M.RI Use content knowledge, knowledge of expository text structures (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect, proposition/support), and genre features, to read and comprehend a range of informational texts, including textbooks and on-line texts: Explain, compare, and analyze concepts, events, central ideas, relevant details.

RI10: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
6.RI.a1 Use a variety of strategies to (e.g., use context, affixes and roots) derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts. 6.RI.10
6.HD.a1 Read or be read to a variety of texts or adapted texts including historical novels, fantasy stories and novels, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction novels. 6.RL.10; 6.RI.10
7.RI.h1 Use a variety of strategies (e.g., use context, affixes and roots, use reference materials) to derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts.7.RI.10
8.RI.h1 Use a variety of strategies (e.g., use context, affixes and roots, use reference materials) to derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts. 8.RI.10
8.HD.g1 Read or be read to a variety of texts or adapted texts including historical novels, periodicals, dramas or plays, poetry (including soliloquies and sonnets), fiction and nonfiction novels. 8.RL.10; 8.RI.10

Key Ideas and Details Grades 9-12

Learning Target: H.RI' 'Integrate content and background knowledge to evaluate and extend understanding of central ideas, concepts, and diverse perspectives presented in multiple sources, including textbooks, on-line texts, and technical and primary source documents.

RI1: Using Details to Describe Text
910.RI.b1 Use two or more pieces of evidence to support inferences, conclusions, or summaries. 9-10.RI.1
910.RI.b2 Determine which piece(s) of evidence provide the strongest support for inferences, conclusions, or summaries of text. 9-10.RI.1
1112.RI.b1 Use two or more pieces of evidence to support inferences, conclusions, or summaries of text. 11-12.RI.1
1112.RI.b2 Determine which piece(s) of evidence provide the strongest support for inferences, conclusions, or summaries or text. 11-12.RI.1

RI2: Describing the Main Idea
910.RI.b3 Determine the central idea of a text. 9-10.RI.2
910.RI.b4 Determine how the central idea develops. 9-10.RI.2
910.RI.b5 Determine how key details support the development of the central idea of a text. 9-10.RI.2
910.RI.b6 Provide/create an objective summary of a text. 9-10.RI.2
1112.RI.b3 Determine two or more central ideas of a text. 11-12.RI.2
1112.RI.b4 Determine how the central ideas develop. 11-12.RI.2
1112.RI.b5 Determine how key details support the development of the central idea of a text. 11-12.RI.2
1112.RI.b6 Provide/create an objective summary of a text. 11-12.RI.2

RI3: Analyzing Relationships
910.RI.c1 Analyze key points throughout a text to determine the organizational pattern or text structure. 9-10.RI.3
910.RI.c2 Identify connections between key points. 9-10.RI.3
1112.RI.c1 Analyze key points throughout a text to determine the organizational pattern or text structure. 11-12.RI.3
1112.RI.c2 Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text. 11-12.RI.3

Craft and Structure Grades 9-12

Learning Target: H.RI' 'Integrate content and background knowledge to evaluate and extend understanding of central ideas, concepts, and diverse perspectives presented in multiple sources, including textbooks, on-line texts, and technical and primary source documents.

RI5: Identifying Text Structure
910.RI.c3 Analyze in detail how an author's ideas or claims are developed. 9-10.RI.5
910.RI.c4 Identify key sentences or paragraphs that support claims. 9-10.RI.5
1112.RI.c3 Analyze the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument. 11-12.RI.5
1112.RI.c4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument to determine whether the structure makes points clear and convincing. 11-12.RI.5

RI6: Distinguishing a Point of View
910.RI.c5 Determine the author's point of view or purpose in a text. 9-10.RI.6
910.RI.c6 Determine/identify the specific language/words that the author uses to advance the point of view or purpose. 9-10.RI.6
910.RI.f3 Determine the speaker's point of view or purpose in a text. 9-10.RI.6; 9-10.SL.3
910.RI.f4 Determine what arguments the speaker makes.9-10.RI.6; 9-10.SL.3
1112.RI.d1 Determine the author's point of view or purpose in a text. 11-12.RI.6
1112.RI.d2 Determine what arguments the author makes. 11-12.RI.6
1112.RI.d3 Determine/identify the specific language/words that the author uses that contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text. 11-12.RI.6
1112.RI.f3 Determine the speaker's point of view or purpose in a text. 11-12.RI.6
1112.RI.f4 Determine what arguments the speaker makes.11-12.RI.6
1112.RI.f5 Evaluate the evidence used to make the speaker's argument. 11-12.RI.6

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Grades 9-12

''Learning Target: H.RI' Integrate content and background knowledge to evaluate and extend understanding of central ideas, concepts, and diverse perspectives presented in multiple sources, including textbooks, on-line texts, and technical and primary source documents.'

RI7: Connecting Diverse Media and Formats
910.RI.e1 Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person's life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.9-10.RI.7
1112.RI.e1 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. 11-12.RI.7

RI8: Gather Information
910.RI.d1 Identify claims and arguments made by the author. 9-10.RI.8
910.RI.d2 Delineate/trace the authors argument and specific claims. 9-10.RI.8
910.RI.d3 Evaluate the argument/claims that the author makes to determine if the statements are true or false. 9-10.RI.8
910.RI.f1 Delineate the argument and specific claims in two or more texts on related topics. 9-10.RI.8
910.RI.f2 Assess the validity of the arguments across texts on related topics. 9-10.RI.8
1112.RI.d4 Identify claims made by the author as being fact or opinion 11-12.RI.8
1112.RI.d5 Distinguish reliable sources from non-reliable. 11-12.RI.8
1112.RI.d6 Evaluate the premises, purposes, argument that the author makes. 11-12.RI.8
1112.RI.f1 Delineate the premises, purposes, argument and specific claims in two or more texts on related topics. 11-12.RI.8
1112.RI.f2 Assess the validity of the premises, purposes, arguments across texts on related topics. 11-12.RI.8

RI9: Analyzing Across Texts
910.RI.e2 Identify central ideas and concepts in seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington's Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, King's Letter from Birmingham Jail). 9-10.RI.9
910.RI.e3 Analyze how seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington's Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, King's Letter from Birmingham Jail) address similar central ideas. 9-10.RI.9
1112.RI.e2 Identify central ideas and concepts in seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington's Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, King's Letter from Birmingham Jail). 11-12.RI.9
1112.RI.e3 Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington's Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, King's Letter from Birmingham Jail) address similar central ideas. 11-12.RI.9

RI10. Range of Complexity
910.RI.a1 Use a variety of strategies to derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts. 9-10.RI.10
1112.RI.a1 Use a variety of strategies to derive meaning from a variety of print/non-print texts. 11-12.RI.10
1112.HD.e1 Independently read challenging grade appropriate texts or grade appropriate adapted texts. '1112.RL.10; 1112.RI.10'
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